
Cris Craft Law Office > Litigation

Litigation may have a huge effect on a company’s ability to defend itself in a challenging environment – and to meet its corporate goals.

Litigation is an unnecessary aspect of any corporate partnership. We recognize the cost involved with prosecuting and defending lawsuits in business-related litigation; thus, our lawyers make every attempt to restrict the reach of any business litigation and have effective and expedient settlements.

Nevertheless, we have extensive litigation experience and can never advise a customer to consider an unsatisfactory solution. Where required, we will aggressively prosecute a lawsuit.

Our company has an outstanding reputation for navigating the pretrial and trial process of business proceedings, including document creation and submission of reasonable motions to narrow the complexity of the lawsuit.

In most commercial disputes, there is a window of time through which costly business lawsuits can be stopped. We pride ourselves in developing and acknowledging the ability to equitably settle commercial conflicts before thousands of dollars are wasted on lawsuits.


Business Law

When your business expands, seeks investors or participates in joint ventures and other partnerships, we will help negotiate and draft the appropriate investment agreements, organization adjustments and conversions, or other documents necessary to retain the equity and decision-making authority you are looking for.

Construction Law

As your counsel, we are also looking to ensure that the right protections and safeguards are in place in such agreements to ensure that, when such deals are stressed or otherwise go wrong, your company can easily initiate and fix the issue before it affects the company or the other strategic relationships and investments.


We collect debts and judgments for a wide variety ofntities, including industrial customers, oil producers/traders, retailers and utility providers, the manufacturing, housing and other businesses in every field. We are also commonly consulted by other lawyers who need our counsel to try to collect from other entities as well.



We are well prepared to manage all legal aspects that might be needed by your company in and out of the courtroom. Call us today!